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Knife Throwing Targets

Today I’m going to blog about knife throwing targets. Knife throwing targets were my first Diy project. Below is the first target based on a you tube video by Collette.

new knife throwing target

It is a compression target with back board, well now I look at this picture my first target is the one behind it just boards nailed together. the compression target worked great lasted forever and I was able to rebuild it twice only downside is that it’s heavy as hell.

Next I built three targets with a backboard. It’s the same back board I use now and a backboard saves a hell of a lot of time, thou if I had to do over I’d use thick boards instead of fence pickets

no-spin targets

Another cool target is what I call a No-spin target these I learned about from mike busbee on facebook they are easy to make and you can move then around. . remember soak your targets. Plus dead trees are great.

log rounds

And last but not least is log rounds cheap if you can get them and easy to mount and last forever. See how bad my backboard is
